Peixe, 2017
A obra é uma máquina conectada a um sensor de presença. Uma tira de borracha em forma de cauda presa a uma esmerilhadeira repousa no chão. De repente, desperta em movimentos agônicos e randômicos, espaçados no tempo, reproduzindo os espasmos musculares de um peixe fora d’água.
Esta ação mimética faz referência ao encontro entre os universos industrial – frio e objetivo – e a subjetividade presente no mundo natural. A ação inusitada de uma máquina assumindo um desespero animal remete ao hibridismo entre os dois universos e as consequências da industrialização da vida como um todo.
Esmerilhadeira, borracha, programação de Arduino e sensor de presença.
Dimensões variáveis
Fish, 2017
The work is a machine connected to a presence sensor. A rubber strip shaped as tail is attached to a grinder lying on the floor. Suddenly, it moves in random and agonic movements, spaced in time, reproducing muscular spasms like a fish out of the water.
This mimetic action refers to the encounter between the industrial
– cold and objective – with the natural, organic and subjective. The unexpected action of a machine assuming an animal despair refers to the hybridism between both universes and the consequences of the industrialization of life as a whole.
The work is a machine connected to a presence sensor. A rubber strip shaped as tail is attached to a grinder lying on the floor. Suddenly, it moves in random and agonic movements, spaced in time, reproducing muscular spasms like a fish out of the water.
This mimetic action refers to the encounter between the industrial
– cold and objective – with the natural, organic and subjective. The unexpected action of a machine assuming an animal despair refers to the hybridism between both universes and the consequences of the industrialization of life as a whole.