Obelisco, 2014
Desenvolvido para a residência durante a Bolsa Pampulha, Belo Horizonte.
Obelisco foi desenvolvido como parte de uma pesquisa sobre exploração de recursos naturais em escala geológica. Seu ponto de partida foi a enormes montanhas invertidas, pedreiras gigantes geradas pela mineração industrial que circunda a cidade de Belo Horizonte, onde ficava o Museu da Pampulha.
Assim como em Potosí, na Bolívia, a montanha foi consumida para abastecer o metal europeu capitalismo. As montanhas continuam sendo transformadas em produtos industrializados em escala geológica. É muito comum encontrar essas pedreiras gigantes cortando paisagem em enormes buracos nesta região. A mineração é uma atividade tradicional lá desde os tempos de colônia.
Obeliscos são monumentos de exaltação ao poder, para aproximar os humanos do divino, apontando para o céu. Muitas vezes eles são lançados diretamente da pedra como um monólito, criando vazio em uma montanha para elevar o poder. O obelisco invertido entra uma direcção diferente, como contraponto a esta ambição.

Obelisk, 2014
Project developed to the Pampulha Museum fellowship, at Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Obelisk was developed as part of a research about natural resources exploitation in geological scale. Its starting point was the enormous inverted mountains, giant quarries generated by industrial mining that surrounds the city of Belo Horizonte, where Museu da Pampulha was located.
Just like in Potosí, Bolívia, the mountain was consumed to fuel the European metal capitalism. Mountains keep being transformed in industrialized products in geological scale. It’s very common to find these giant quarries cutting the landscape into enormous holes in this region. Mining is a traditional activity there since times of colony.
Obelisks are monuments of elation to power, to approach humans to the divine, pointing to the sky. Many times they are cast straight out from the stone as a monolith, creating emptiness in a mountain to elevate power. The inverted obelisk goes in a different direction, as a counter shape to this ambition.
Project developed to the Pampulha Museum fellowship, at Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Obelisk was developed as part of a research about natural resources exploitation in geological scale. Its starting point was the enormous inverted mountains, giant quarries generated by industrial mining that surrounds the city of Belo Horizonte, where Museu da Pampulha was located.
Just like in Potosí, Bolívia, the mountain was consumed to fuel the European metal capitalism. Mountains keep being transformed in industrialized products in geological scale. It’s very common to find these giant quarries cutting the landscape into enormous holes in this region. Mining is a traditional activity there since times of colony.
Obelisks are monuments of elation to power, to approach humans to the divine, pointing to the sky. Many times they are cast straight out from the stone as a monolith, creating emptiness in a mountain to elevate power. The inverted obelisk goes in a different direction, as a counter shape to this ambition.